The terrifying, edge-of-your-seat thriller follows six friends from New York taking a hiking trip to the beautiful West Virginia Mountains who unwittingly fall prey to a savage sect known as The Foundation. WRONG TURN: THE FOUNDATION taps into the most basic human fear of being hunted, and delivers a taut horror with relentless adversaries, nightmarish twists and turns, and devastating consequences. New Yorkers Jes, Darius, Milla, Adam, Gary, and Luis are best friends embarking on a hiking trip in the Appalachian Mountains. Eager to begin and awed by the beauty around them, they instantly forget the advice of the local innkeeper to “not to stray from the path.” When Darius veers off the trail, he leads his friends into a deadly trap, pitting them against a cruel and secretive mountain cult. When the friends are put on trial for the death of one of the cult members, Jes must make a life changing choice to save her friends.